n. person related to another, usually said only of blood ties; v. be related by blood, said occasionally of relations by affinity. Mapartídu na ta inigkaminyù ninyung manang, We will be relatives if you marry my sister. ka- n. person with whom one is related by blood. paN- v. claim, try to establish kinship with someone Ang kandidátu namartídu nákù, The candidate claims that I’m his relative. -s see partídu (plural).
n. political party. — Libiral Liberal Party. — Nasyunalista Nacionalista Party. partidista n. one engaged in partisan politics; v. get engaged in partisan politics.
n. 1. peculiarity, characteristic act. Partikular sa manuk nga mubátug matag gabíi, That’s the way chickens are. They roost in the evening; 2. specific, the very one. Ngánung kanà mang partikular nga bran sa rilu ang gustu nímu? Why do you like just that particular brand of watch? Ang partikular nga táwu mauy tagáan giyud sa sulat, The letter should be given to the man himself; 3. ordinary in looks or ways. Milyunaryu, apan mu ra lag táwung partikular nga musúruy, He’s a millionaire, but you’d think he was an ordinary person when he goes out; 3a. mga — unimportant matters, nothing of special concern. A, mga partikular lang tung ámung gipanaghisgútan, Oh, all we talked about were trivial things; 4. place outside of the home one goes to on business. Ang mga nigusyanting bulanti náa pirmi sa partikular, Traveling salesmen are always away from home on business; a. exacting, fussy about things. Partikular kaáyu ku sa ákung sapátus, I’m very particular about my shoes; v. 1. become a trait; 2. for someone who is expected to be in uniform to wear civilian clothes. Dì magpartikular ang sundáwu sa patrulya, A soldier does not wear civilian clothes on patrol.
n. midwife who hasn’t undergone any formal training in assisting in childbirth; v. 1. become a partíra; 2. hire a partíra. Wà may kásu ug partiráhun (ipartíra) ug maáyu lang ang pag-anak, I don’t mind having a baby with an untrained midwife if it’s a normal delivery.
n. 1. participation in a business; 2. the amount one has put into a business with other people. Dakù ang ákung partisipasiyun sa susyu, I have a large share in the partnership.
n. partition, room divider; v. 1. partition a room; 2. partition land. Partisiyunun ta ang yútà samtang búhì pa si Tátay, We’ll partition the land while Father is still alive.
see part.
v. cook rice or corn grits dry. -in- n. rice or corn grits cooked dry. parùpárù v. cook a small amount of rice, enough for a couple of people. Magparùpárù ku ug aku rang usa sa báy, I just cook a little rice when I’m alone in the house; n. cooking of a small amount of rice.
v. 1. bang the head against something Akuy muparuk nímu sa bungbung, I’ll bang your head against the wall; 2. be sleepy with the head nodding. Giparuk kung namínaw sa diskursu, I started to nod listening to the speech.
n. parish; v. be a parish. parukyánu n. 1. parishioner; 2. a person who buys regularly from someone 3. a person who frequents a place regularly; v. 1. be a parishioner; 2. be a regular customer. Pahangyúa ku básin pag maparukyánu ku ninyu madúgay, Let me bargain. Maybe I’ll become your steady customer; 3. become one who frequents a place on a regular basis. Nagparukyánu ku sa tubaan, I started to hang around the toddy stand.
n. hanging lantern. — dikumbáti n. barn lantern; v. use, have a lantern. -íru n. one whose job is to light the lanterns in the street.
n. parole; v. be a prisoner out on parole. -i(←) n. parolee; v. be a parolee.
n. lighthouse; v. 1. put up a lighthouse; 2. glass jar of palm toddy (slang). Daghan kaáyung parúla sa imnanan, There are lots of jars of palm toddy in the stand. parulíru n. lighthouse keeper; v. be a lighthouse keeper.
1. see parul; 2. see parúla.
n. long, heavy horizontal beam that supports the framework of a bridge, bottom of a building, or a roof; v. make or put horizontal supporting beams.
v. cut a ripe jackfruit into pieces. Nakaparúni siyag walu sa usa ka búnga, Each ripe jackfruit she cut into eight pieces.
see parúlus.
v. 1. be utterly defeated. Sa pulitika mapárut giyud ang way sápì, In politics the person who has no money is sure to get defeated completely; 2. go bankrupt. Ang íyang pagsúgal nakapárut (nakapapárut) sa íyang nigusyu, His business went bankrupt because of his gambling. (→) n. a hand in mahjong or cards that lacks a card or has one card too many and thus cannot win; v. get in the parut situation. ka- n. defeat suffered by someone ka-an n. utter defeat. Dawáta ang ímung kaparútan, Accept your utter defeat.
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