v. part or disengage persons fighting. Awáta sila kay magpatyanay unyà, Break them up because they might kill each other.
v. 1. lie in wait to kill or maul. Ug Bitkung ang makabanhig way mabúhì, When the Vietcong ambush, no one survives; 2. waylay someone bringing produce to the market to buy from him directly. Way mulapus mangga dinhi basta hibanhigan sa babaw, No mangoes reach here if someone buys them on the way; 3. lay in wait for one’s girl to take her home; 4. ask to join someone in his food or something else he has bought s.w.
v. 1. seep through pores. Mihunub ang túbig sa yútà, The water seeped into the ground. Nabasà ang lamísa kay gihunuban sa túbig sa tadyaw, The table got wet because the water seeped out from the jar onto it. 2. leak through small holes; 3. affect slowly, as if seeping in. Mihunub sa íyang hunàhúnà ang usa ka mayugtánung panimalus, Dreams of angry revenge seeped into his mind. Mihunub ang madutlánung katugnaw sa íyang kinahiladman, A penetrating cold seeped into his innermost bones; a. leaky, allowing to seepage; n. leak, seepage.
v. be wound around in an irregular way. Milambid ang gaway sa kugíta sa íyang páa, The tentacles of the octopus were wound around his thigh. Ayaw idúul ang mga hiniktan arun dílì maglambid, Don’t put the cocks close to each other so that their strings don’t get all tangled up. -in- n. kind of budbud made with white and violet-colored sticky rice, such that the dark and light colored rice forms intertwining streaks. linambíran see linambid.
v. 1. for plants to die from disease or from being past the fruit-bearing age. Gagmay nag búnga ang tamátis kay hápit na malugnas, My tomato plants are bearing few fruits now because they will soon wither and die; 2. be brought to utter ruin. Nalugnas ang íyang nigusyu kay miintra siya sa súgal, His business was brought to utter ruin because he took to gambling; 3. for structures to fall apart. Dílì na madúgay nga malugnas ang balay kay dáan na kaáyu, It won’t be long for the house to fall apart because it is very old.
v. tear off something pasted or attached onto something Kusug nga hángin ang nakapuksì sa mga sín sa ílang atup, A strong wind tore the corrugated iron sheets off their roof. Ayaw puksía ang silyu sa subri, Do not tear the stamp off the envelope.
see pulgáda. -s see pulgádas.
n. discount. Adúnay singku pursintung ribáha ug bayran ug kás, There is a five percent discount if you pay cash; v. 1. allow a discount on something Iribáha ang útang sa swildu, Deduct the debt from the salary. Ribahái ang prisyu kay sigunda mánu man ni, Give me a discount because it is second hand; 2. deduct the tare weight. Dus kílus iribáha sa pisáda pára sa sáku, They will allow two kilos for the weight of the sack.