Search result(s) - bukid






n. mountain



n. mountain. Taas kaáyu nga búkid, High mountain; a. deep in the mountains. Búkid kaáyu tung ámù, Our place is high in the mountains. — sa buut, hunàhúnà 1. be far from one’s thoughts. Búkid sa buut níya ang pagsungkip sa atup, He never thought of fixing the roof; 2. against one’s will. Gipugus siya pagminyù nga búkid sa íyang buut, She was forced to marry against her will; v. 1. be far from one’s thoughts; 2. against one’s will. Gikabukid ba sa ímung buut ang pagpasaylu nákù? Is it against your will (have you not thought) to forgive me? pa-(→) v. go, bring to the mountains. Nagpabukid sila arun pagtágù, They went to the mountains to hide. bukiran n. 1. mountain range; 2. farm. kabukíran, kabukídan, kabukílan n. the mountains. taga- n. mountaineer. bukirun a. mountainous. bukidnun a. from the mountains. Bukidnung linaktan, Way of walking like a mountaineer.



taga- euphemism for tagabúkid, ‘mountaineer’. see búkid.



(from datung balay) paN- v. 1. go to someone’s house. Manumbálay ta sa átung bag-ung silíngan, Let’s visit our new neighbor’s house; 2. haunt one’s mind. Nanumbálay sa ákung hunàhúnà ang átung kagahápun, Our past haunts my mind; 3. go to farmhouses to barter commodities. Manumbalay mi sa búkid káda tingsanggì, We go bartering to the farmhouses during harvest season. maN- n. a kind of fine-grained white rice with a savory, permeating smell.



a. 1. simple-minded. Dalì mutúu ang agut, The simple-minded fool believes anything you tell him; 2. slow, stunted in growth. Agut ka man. Hilabwan na man lang ka sa ímung manghud, You are stunted. Your little brother is taller than you are; v. 1. be ignorant, simple-minded. Makaagut man diay ning mag-istar ug búkid, Staying in the mountains makes you simple-minded; 2. be stunted in growth. -un a. of a stunted or simple-minded sort. Agutun mig kalíwat, We are a family of short people.



v. landslide. Muánas (maánas) gánì kanang búkid, malubung giyud mung búhì, If there is a landslide on that mountain, you’ll be buried alive. Kun mukusug ang ulan, iánas kanang ímung baul, If it rains hard, your field will be washed down.



v. flee s.w. in war time. Didtu mi mubakwit sa búkid, We evacuated to the mountains; n. war refugee. Napunù sa bakwit ang kampu, The camp is full of war refugees.



a. be situated in clear view from the distance. Bantáaw kaáyu ang syudad didtu sa búkid Manunggal, You get a good view of the city from Mount Manunggal; v. be, become clear in view from the distance. Ihigut ang kábaw niánang nagbantáaw nga lubi, Tie the carabao to the coconut tree which we can see clearly from here; n. the clear view of something from a distance. Sa bantáaw lang sa liyun mahadluk aku, Just the sight of a lion from the distance scares me.



a. towering, looming huge; v. 1. loom. Dakung búkid nga nagbuntaug sa unáhan, A huge mountain that loomed in the distance; 2. for silence to reign. Kahílum nga nagbuntaug sa lawud, Silence that reigned over the seas.



want, would like to. Buut siyang makig-isturya nímu, He wishes to talk to you. Unsay buut níyang isulti? What does he wish to say? Dì siya buut sa liguylíguy, He does not care for this messing around; n. 1. one’s desires. Kuntra sa ákung buut, It is against my will. kaping — strings attached, ulterior motives. Ihátag ku kini way kaping buut, I give you this with no strings attached; 1a. walà sa — not meaning to do something Walà tu sa ákung buut pagsultíha, I really didn’t mean to say that; 2. thoughts, mind. Línaw na ang ákung buut kay nasulbad na, My mind is at rest now, because it is solved. Búkid sa ákung buut, Far from my thoughts (it never occurred to me). Wad-un ta sa buut ang átung kabingkílan, Let’s forget our quarrels; 2a. consciousness, awareness. Didtu siya sa uspital makamatngun ug buut, She regained consciousness in the hospital. Sukad sa pagkatim-an níyag buut, From the time he reached the age of awareness; 2b. walay — 2b1. unaware, innocent of knowledge. Walay buut nga bátà, An innocent child. 2b2. unaware of proper social conduct. Walay buut nga tawhána. Magkarsunsilyu lang sa sílung, What an ignorant man! He wears his undershorts downstairs; 3. mood, disposition. Magláin ang íyang buut ug mapildi sa súgal, He gets in a bad mood if he loses in gambling. Mabaw kaáyu siyag buut, She is very short-tempered. walà sa — it didn’t hurt (so-and-so)’s feelings. Wà tu sa ákung buut ang ímung gisulti, I didn’t take to heart what you said; 4. útang — 4a. debt of gratitude; 4b. please, it would be a big favor. Útang buut. Ayaw pagsulti niánà, Please don’t say that; v. 1. have one’s way, decide how something is to be. Ikaw lay magbuut kun pila, You decide how much. Ang baláud nagbuut nga ..., The law stipulates that ... Dì ku makagbuut (makabuut) niánà kay dílì nà ákù, I can’t make a decision concerning that because it isn’t mine. Mau nay gimbut-an sa baláud, That is what is stipulated by the law. Ang tanang kinabúhì gimbut-an sa Diyus, All life is at God’s discretion. Ayaw akug but-i, Don’t dictate to me. 1a. unsa pay but-un? what does (so-and-so) want, anyway? Unsa pay but-un nímu? What in the world did you expect? 1b. be unmindful, uncomplaining about something unfavorable. Mubuut kug way kaunkáun. Anad kug puása, I don’t care if I miss meal. I’m used to doing without food; 2. accept a marriage proposal. Walà pa siya but-a ni Maríya, Maria has not accepted him yet. (←) v. do something freely without restraint, to one’s heart’s content. Nagbúut (nagpabúut) ang bátag kundat kay wà didtu si Máma, The child had a ball playing around because Mother wasn’t there. buutbúut v. 1. impose one’s will where one doesn’t have the right; 2. take it on oneself to do something Ngánung nagbuutbúut kag palit ánà? Why did you take it on yourself to buy that? mabuutbuútun a. tending to impose one’s will, take it on oneself to do things. but-anay v. impose each other’s will on each other. Way but-anay kun ása ági, We’ll each go our own way (we won’t impose our wills on each other where to go). pa- v. allow someone to have the say. Ug pabut-un (papagbut-un) aku nímu, If I am allowed to have the say in this matter. paka-, pa-(←) v. take it on oneself to do something forbidden as much as one likes. Mangingisdà nga magpakabuut (magpabúut) pagpabutug dinamíta, Fishermen who allow themselves to do as much dynamite fishing as they like. Gipabut-an níla ang mga bátag káun ug dulsi, They allowed the children to eat as many sweets as they liked. pasi- v. allow someone to decide. Gipasibut-an lang siya sa kursung íyang kuháun, He was left to decide what course he would take. hiN-/haN- v. be pleased. Nahimuut siyang nagtan-aw sa íyang anak, He took pleasure in observing his daughter. Wà níya ikahimuut (kahimut-i) ang ímung gibúhat, He wasn’t pleased with what you did. kahiN- n. pleasure. kahimut-anan n. something at which one can take pleasure, be amused. mahimut-un, mahimut-ánun, maham-utun a. feeling great pleasure. but-an a. possessing reason, sense. But-an ba siya u búang? Is he sane or mad? 2. see -an(←). -an(←) good, well-behaved. Buútang bátà, A good child. Ang buútan niyang asáwa, His good wife; v. get to be well-behaved. -in-an in a well-behaved way; v. act in a well-behaved way. ka-(←) 1. intelligence, ability to perceive; 2. consideration for one’s fellowmen. kabubut-un n. specific feelings toward someone or something útang kabubut-un debt of gratitude to be repaid. ma-(←) a. 1. having a requisite amount of intelligence; 2. thoughtful, considerate of one’s fellowmen. Ang mga mabúut nga táwu dílì mangdinamíta, Civic-minded people don’t dynamite fish. mag-r-(←) n. one who has the say. pag- will. Pagbuut sa Diyus, God’s will. paniN-(←) n. 1. consciousness, awareness; 2. degree of intelligence. Ang íyang panimúut sáma sa bátang tris anyus, His mental age is like a three-year-old child’s.



v. 1. go s.w. for safety. Ang mga tulisan midangup sa búkid, The bandits took refuge in the mountain; 2. resort to something Midangup sila sa hukmánan, They resorted to the courts; 3. go, turn to someone for help. Walà siyay láing kadangpan, He has no one else to turn to. Ayaw ug idangup ang ímung prublíma diri nákù, Don’t bring your troubles to me.



n. 1. front end of a vehicle. Ang dúlung sa kutsi, sakayan, The front part of the car, boat; 2. something analogous to the front end of a vehicle, e.g. the anterior end of bamboo tie beams in a house. (→) v. go near. Nagkadulung ang pista, The fiesta is approaching. Ang búkid nga íyang gidulngan (gidulung), The mountain that he was approaching. pa-, pa-(→) go to. Padulung ba ni sa Lahug? Does this go to Lahug? v. go to. paN- n. bow of a ship.



n. fog; v. be covered with fog. Mugábun (gabúnan) ang búkid sa sayung kabuntágun, On early mornings the mountains are covered with fog. -un a. foggy.



n. a piece broken off from a whole; v. break something into pieces. Naggipak kug káhuy nga isugnud, I am breaking off pieces of wood for firewood. Nagkagipak ang búkid sa gidinamíta kini, The mountain gradually got broken up into small chunks as it was dynamited.



v. crave, yearn intensely for something Gihabluk ku sa ámung lugar, I crave to see my homeland. Hablúkun kag isdà sa bukid, You will develop an intense craving for fish in the mountains; a. having a strong craving or appetite.



v. weave with a hand loom. Habla ang lánut, Weave the abaca fibers in a hand loom; n. see hablun, 1. (←) n. blanket, sheet, or anything used as covering for sleeping; v. 1. cover someone with a blanket. Habúli ang bátà, Cover the child with a blanket; 2. envelope, enshroud in an atmospheric condition. Búkid nga gihabúlan ug gábun, A mountain enshrouded in mist; 3. drink liquor before going to sleep. Maáyu níyang pagkatúlug kay naghábul na nag tubà, He slept soundly because he drank toddy before going to bed (lit. took toddy as a blanket). hablun n. 1. hand loom; 2. cloth woven in a hand loom; v. 1. see habul, v; 2. wear hand-woven cloth. halablan, hagbanan, hagbunan, hablunan, hablanan, halabúlan see hablun, n 1. habulhabul n. 1. thin membrane that separates the skin of the abdomen from the intestines and stomach; 2. thin membrane between the egg white and the shell.

n. slope



v. 1. clear an area. Hawáni ang nataran sa mga sagbut, Clean the weeds out of the yard. Hawáni ang lamísa, Clear the table. Hawáni ang kawáyan sa mga tunuk, Clear the thorns off the bamboo. Gihawánan ang plása sa mga táwu, The people were driven out of the plaza; 2. for an area to become clear. Miháwan dáyun ang sinihan dihang may misinggit kaláyu, The moviehouse emptied instantly when someone yelled ‘fire’; a. for a place to be emptied or cleared. Háwan ang asíras basta gabíi, The sidewalks are empty in the evening. Adtu sila magbaskit sa háwan, They play basketball in the empty area. Háwan ang mga búkid dinhi, The mountains here have been deforested; n. area of ground that has been cleared. -an(→) 1. living room; 2. floorspace or anything enclosed.



v. 1. hide, keep out of sight. Mihubung ang adlaw luyu sa búkid, The sun hid behind the mountain. Lasang nga ámung gihubngan, The jungle we hid in. 1a. for something different to lurk behind what appears. Ang íyang pahiyum gihubngan sa pagdumut, Hatred lurked behind his smile; 2. for the one who is ‘it’ in hide-and-seek to cover his face. Samtang maghubung ka, ayaw ug lìlì, When you cover your face, don’t peek; n. turn to hide one’s face in hide-and-seek. pa- v. put something out of sight. pina- n. weapon hidden for emergency purposes.

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