n. yacht; v. 1. ride, bring something in a yacht; 2. make into a yacht; 3. have, obtain a yacht. yatíhan a. having a yacht.
(euphemism for yáwà) 1. expression of disgust, annoyance. Yátì ning bat-ána uy, Darn, this child is a nuisance; 2. as a pause word when one cannot think of the right word. Kanang yáting, unsingálang ... klats, The, um, what-do-you-call-it, the clutch. — ra 1. expression of disbelief. Yátì ra, dì giyud nà musalir, Oh, yeah? That will never work. Yátì ra! Íya tà kung gisultían, I don’t believe it. He would have told me. 2. expression of great surprise at something Yátì ra. Lima ka líbu! No kidding! Five thousand!
n. teak, a large tree of waste spaces, the value of which is little recognized in Cebu: Tectona grandis.