Meaning of wíli



v. feel sad at leaving something or for the loss of something gone. Nawíli siya nga mibíyà sa íyang hinigugma, He felt sad upon leaving his beloved. Wà kuy kawid-an (kawilíhan) ning kalibútan, I won’t miss anything in this world (when I die). — sa tuguntúgun v. take a long time to leave a place for an errand or to get something accomplished. Kadúgay nímung nakalakaw! Nawíli ka sa tuguntúgun? Why can’t you leave right away? What’s holding you? paN-(→), panga-(→) v. having a feeling of sadness because of a loss or something left behind. Nagpangwili (nagpangawili) siya nga mugíkan, He is leaving, but not without a feeling of sadness. ka- n. sad nostalgia, sense of loss. mawilíhun a. sad and reluctant to leave. Mawilíhun siya nga nananghid sa pagpaúlì, He said good-night with reluctance. maka-r- a. engendering a feeling of irreparable loss.