n. 1. mode, fashion. Bilbátum ang úsu karun, Bell-bottoms are the mode these days; 2. fad, thing in rage. Úsu kaáyu karun ang pangáwat ug manuk, Chicken stealing has become the latest fad. Úsu na man run nga ang bána mauy bílin sa báy, It is now the practice for husbands to tend the house; v. be the fashion, thing in vogue. Maúsu na sab ang tabánug, The fad for flying kites will come back into vogue again. pa- v. start a fad, initiate a movement. Gipausúhan nímu ang ímung anak ug kalígù maduminggu. Na, mangítà na hinúun, You started bringing your child to the beach on Sundays and now he expects it. pina- a. according to the latest style. Buhuk nga pinaúsu, The latest style hairdo; v. have, wear something of the latest style.
n. bear.