n. a piece or part of something in cake or bar form. Usa ka upak kámay, A cake of sugar; v. 1. cut something into bars or pieces; get broken. Upaka únà ang mahariyal únà ibaligyà, Cut the candy into cakes before you sell it. 2. break or cut off a piece for someone Giupakan nákù siyag duha ka báhin sa tsukulit, I broke off two pieces of the chocolate bar for him.
n. bark of trees. Ang úpak maáyung isugnud, Bark of trees make good fuel. Usa ka úpak tungug, A strip of mangrove bark; v. 1. gather, take the bark off of trees; 2. peel off, get peeled off. Ínit sa adlaw ang nakaúpak sa íyang pánit, His skin peeled in the heat of the sun. Nagkaupak ang hapin sa diksiyunaryu, The cover of the dictionary is working its way off.