pa- v. keep silent and idle. Dílì giyud mahuman nang ímung trabáhu kay imu man lang nang gipaunuk-unukan, You’ll never get done with your work if you just remain idle with it. Ipaunuk-unuk lang nang ímung labad sa úlu. Maáyu ra lagi nà, Just take it easy with your headache and you will get better.
v. beset, bother persistently at a particularly inconvenient time. Naatrasáwu na man gánì ku sa upisína, miunuk-únuk sab ning ulan pagbundak, I am already late to the office as it is, and here the rain is tying me up. Gipapha siyas trabáhu ug giunuk-únuk pag sakit, He was fired from his job, and that is when he had to get sick of all times. ma-un a. characterized with annoying persistence.