n. 1. flesh. Unud sa báka, Cow’s flesh. Unud sa imbaw, The flesh of the clam. Unud sa mangga, The flesh of the mango. — sa ímung, íyang — one’s offspring (lit. flesh of one’s flesh). baligyà sa — v. practice prostitution (lit. sell one’s flesh). kalípay sa — sexual pleasure; 2. content, integral part within something Liking way unud, A cigar with no tobacco in it. Impanádang gamay ug unud, A meat pie with very little meat in it. 2a. content, meaning. Pangatarúngan nga way unud, Empty reasoning; v. 1. put on flesh, become fleshy. Nangunud na ang kamúti. Makálut na, The sweet potatoes have developed nice and fat. You can dig them up now. Giunuran na sad ang íyang láwas, He has gotten flesh back on his body; 2. give content or filler to something Dì ku muunud ug barut nga tabákù, I do not use a poor kind of tobacco in my pipe. Ilagà kunu ang giunud sa syúpaw, someone said they used rat meat as the filling for the Chinese sandwich. undan a. having flesh. see also undan. undánun, maundánun a. 1. fleshy, muscular; 2. pithy, full of substance or meaning. Undánun kaáyu ang ímung sulti, What you said is full of meaning. kaunuran n. flesh, muscles collectively. Nangúrug ang ákung kaunuran sa kalágut, My flesh trembled in anger. pa- n. filler, filling. Balahíbung gagmay ang paunud sa unlan, Pillows are stuffed with fine feathers; v. (A; c] use as filler. -nun a. pertaining to the flesh. -nung tingúhà carnal desire.