one (used only in counting). Dì pa ka mulíhuk? Únu, dus, ... You’re not going to do it? O.K. One, two, ..; a. the best there is, second to none. Únu siyang musáyaw, He is the best dancer. — lus dús for there to be a fifty-fifty chance. Únu lus dús lag mabúhì ba ang naligsan, It’s a fifty-fifty chance that the victim will survive. numiru — n. number one, tops. Numiru únung palahúbug, Number one drunkard. Numiru únung mananagat, The best fisherman; v. give someone a first warning. Ákù ta na kang giunúhan, ha, Watch out. This is your first warning. — ug igù, syát v. hit in one shot. Unúhun kug igù kanang langgam sa káhuy, I will hit that bird in the tree with only one shot. walay — v. you can’t win, have no way to win people’s approval, for whichever way it is done, it will be wrong in their eyes. Wà giyud tay pagaunúhan (giunúhan) kay ug magdaginut tag gastu nganlan tag tihik, ug kusug pud tang mugastu ingnun tag gastadur, You can’t win. If you’re careful with your money they call you cheap. If you spend your money they call you a spendthrift.