Meaning of unggà



v. 1. break limbs, anything projecting off. Unggáun (iunggà) ku ning úlu sa munyíka, I’ll break the head of the doll off. Naunggà ang pakù sa ayruplánu pagkahúlug niíni, The wing of the airplane broke off when it fell; 2. [B12; a 12] for a sungkà player to lose all his pieces to his opponent. Dì abtag diyis minútus makaunggà ku nímu, In less than ten minutes I’ll have all your pieces; a. 1. being broken off. Unggà nag kawu nang tasáa, That cup doesn’t have a handle any more; 2. having lost all one’s pieces in sungkà. unggaunggà n. see anananggal; v. be detachable.