Meaning of ulut



v. have a boundary in between. Giutlan ang duha námù ka balay sa usa ka mutu, Our houses are separated by a hill. (←) n. outside edges or boundaries; v. for pieces of land to be contiguous. Mag-úlut tag yútà ug palitun nímu nang lutíha, Our land will be contiguous if you buy that lot. ulut-úlut 1. see úlut; 2. place between two things; v. 1. see úlut, v1. 2. for a space to develop between two things. utlánan n. boundary. Ákung gikural ang utlánan sa ámung yútà, I fenced the boundary of our land. Butangan nátug utlánan ang átung panag-amígu, Let’s set a limit to our friendship; v. be made into a boundary, limit. ka- n. person whose land is contiguous to one’s own.



n. stalk or stem of grasses, dry or fresh.



v. run after. Muúlut sa mangági ang ílang irù, Their dog runs after passers-by. Ulúta ang trák, Run after the truck. Iúlut ning páyung sa nánay mu, Run after your mother and give this umbrella to her.