n. 1. head; 1a. head as the source of thinking power. Gamíta ímung úlu, Use your head; 2. each person. Dus písus da ang báyad sa káda úlu, The cost is only two pesos per head; 3. head, forefront. Banda sa pulis ang úlu sa paráda, The head of the parade was the police band. — ug amù see inúlug amù. — sa bagyu eye of the typhoon. — sa bahà the first onrush of floodwaters. — nga buhatan main (lit. head) office. — sa hilánat in folk medicine, a lump in the muscle which bulges and when massaged, alleviates one’s fever and pains. — sa sakit source of an ailment. — sa sibúyas the bulb of an onion; v. 1. lead, be at the head; 1a. lead someone to do something, usually bad. Ikay nangúlu sa tanang mga tinuntu, You led them into doing all their mischief; 2. shape, make a head. paN- v. 1. be, become a leader, chief; 2. have as its title. Ang sugilánun gipangulúhan ug ‘Líwas Sa Ugmà’, The story is entitled ‘Beyond Tomorrow’; n. leader, chief. sag-(→), sag- v. 1. memorize, learn something by heart; 2. skip a meal. Sag-ulúhun ku na lang ang paniudtu, I’ll just skip lunch. siN-(→) see singulu. uluhan, ulúhan n. something at the top at the head: head of a bed, title of a song, et al; v. 1. give something a title; 2. have something as a title. Bálak nga nag-uluhan ug ‘Lúhà’, A poem that is entitled ‘Tears’. -in- n. shaped like a head. -in- ug amù waxing gibbous moon. inulúhan n. having a head, e.g. a pin. kaulúhan n. capital city. kapangulúhan n. editorial board or staff.