n. oil cloth; v. cover with, use oil cloth.
v. 1. return something to someone Nag-úlì ku áring libru nga hinulaman, I am returning this book I borrowed. Kinsay giulían mu sa tigib, Whom did you return the chisel to? Iúlì ni ngadtung Túni, Return this to Tony; 1a. — ang lisinsiya for a couple to stop having babies because the wife is no longer able to or because they choose to. Dì sà mi muúlì sa ámung lisinsiya kay wà pa miy babáyi, We won’t stop having babies until we have a girl. 2 return something to its place, reassemble. Antígu kang muúlì áning karburadur, Do you know how to put this carburator back together? 2a. see ulì balay; 3. be reconciled after having quarreled. Nag-úlì na mi human sa ámung panagbángì, We are on good terms again after our quarrel; 4. buy something from someone which he had originally not bought for resale. Ulían ta ning ímung sapátus, I’d like to buy from you that pair of shoes that you bought for yourself; 5. reimburse someone for what he had spent. Muúlì ka nákù sa gastu sa ákung byáhi, Will you reimburse me for my expenses on my trip? n. amount paid for something which was not originally for sale. (→) v. 1. come, go home. Dì ta makaulì kay way trák, We can not go home because there’s no bus; 2. regain consciousness. Naulian na ba ang táwu nga gikuyapan? Has the man that fainted regained consciousness? 3. be relieved of anxiety or emotional distress. Naulian ku human makadungug sa maáyung nutisya, I was relieved after I heard the good news; 4. for dried corn or rice grains which have been stored to become damp again. (→) bálay n. in circumcision, the condition where the slit skin reverts to its former condition; v. for a circumcision to revert. -an(→) v. be home from time to time. Tagsa ra ku mag-ulian sa ámù, I seldom go home. hiN- v. 1. replant in spaces where seeds failed to sprout. Hingulíi ang ímung bitsuylasan pára dakug abut, Replant the vacant spaces in your bean patch to obtain a good yield; 2. weed the second time around. Ug dì ka muhingúlì sa maisan, masálut ang túbù sa mais, If you do not weed the cornfield a second time around, the corn will grow stunted; 3. see úlì, 4. hiN-(→) v. be in one’s second childhood. Lisud atimanun ning tigúlang nga maghingulì (gihingulian) na, It’s difficult to look after an old man who is in his second childhood. pa- v. 1. see ulì, 1. 1a. bring someone back home; 2. go back to the place one started. Mupaúlì ang prusisiyun sa simbahan, The procession will return to the church; 2a. bísag unsa kataas sa prusisiyun mupaúlì giyud sa simbahan, no matter how wayward a husband is he will eventually go home to his wife; 2b. be on the receiving end of something bad. Ang ímung paghubug mupaúlì sa ímung láwas, Your drunkenness will affect your health. Akuy paulían sa íyang kapungut, I will be on the receiving end of his anger; 3. see úlì, 2. pa-(→) see pahi-(→). pahi-(→) v. 1. play a prank on someone and set him straight afterwards. Pait siya nga mukumidiya, dílì siya mupahiulì, He plays mean pranks and does not set you straight afterwards; 2. regain one’s health. Mubakasiyun ku kay magpahiulì ku sa ákung láwas, I’ll take a vacation to regain my health. Pahiulii úsà ang ímung láwas úsà mubálik sa trabáhu, Regain your health first before going back to work. paha-ay see úlì, v3. sa-(→) v. contract someone else’s disease by treating him. Muhílut gánì kug hilantan saulian giyud ku, Whenever I massage someone with fever, I will always get the fever from him. hiniN-an, -in-an n. something one bought from someone who had bought it previously not intending to resell it again. ulìúlì kalag n. a magic formula uttered three times while shaking a child that has been intensely frightened, to prevent him from getting boils. ka-un(→) a. feel like going home. pa-anan, pa-an n. home, a place one goes home to. pumapa-(→), tali-(→), talipa-(→), -um-r-(→), pumapa-(→) n. on the way home. -unun, -únun(→), ig-r-ay, ig-r-ay(→) n. something that is to be returned. Mga hinuwamang uliúnun (ig-uulíay), Borrowed things which are to be returned. pa-unun, pa-unun(→) n. something one has to go home to get. see also tambaúlì.