v. 1. be mildly surprised or startled. Mauknul (mahiuknul) giyud ang táwu nga makakità nímu, People will be surprised to see you. Nauknul ku pagkabalità nákù, I was taken aback on hearing the news; 2. hesitate to do something, esp. with the action of starting and then stopping suddenly. Ngánung muuknul ka man sa pagsulud? Why do you stop suddenly before coming in? Muuknul kung mugámit ánà kay dilikádu ang tag-íya, I hesitate to use that because the owner is fussy. uknul-uknul v. move in a bouncing, jouncing way. Nag-uknul-uknul ang trák sa libaungung karsáda, The bus jounced over the road that was full of holes. Tagabúkid nga mag-uknul-uknul nga maglakaw, A mountaineer that bounces up and down as he walks.