Meaning of ukay






v. 1. stir or agitate something Ukaya nu ang linúgaw, Please stir the porridge. Rík ang iukay sa humay nga gibulad, Use a rake to mix up the rice we are drying; 1a. plow lightly, esp. a second time, across existing furrows. Maáyu giyud nga ukayun ang daruhan úsà tudlínga, It is wise to plow the field lightly a second time before you make the furrows; 2. turn things upside down in searching. Náa ra nà dihà ug ímu nang ukayun, If you turn everything upside down, you’ll see it is there; 2a. find something by turning things upside down. Naukayan ang píkas sinílas sa basúra, He found the other slipper after they ransacked the garbage; 3. stir someone up. Naukay ang mga táwu pagsúnug, The people were all excited when there was a fire; n. something to stir with. ig-l-(←) see ukay, n.



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