Meaning of ukab



n. turn



v. 1. open with an upward or lifting motion, get opened. Akuy miukab sa kaban, I opened the trunk. Wà siya makaukab sa láta, He could not open the tin. Librung nag-ukab sa lamísa, A book lying open on the table. Ukba (iukab, ukbi) ang ímung bàbà, Open your mouth; 2. pry something up, open. Akuy miukab sa batu, I turned the stone over. Dikabra ray makaukab sa mga salug nga ilisánan, Only a crowbar can pry the floorboards loose; 3. for a part of the body, clothing to get a rip or slash. Naukab ang íyang lapalapa kay nakatunub ug bildu, His sole got slashes in it because he stepped on glass; n. opened upwards, ripped off, slashed open. ukab-úkab a. something that can be opened and closed; n. the general name for bivalves; v. be something that could be easily opened and closed. ukban n. tangerine, a loose-skinned orange that is easy to open; v. plant tangerines.