n. thirst
a. 1. thirsty. Maay tag náay túbig kay uhaw kaáyu, It would be nice if there were water because I’m very thirsty; 1a. having a strong craving. Uhaw ku sa lawasnung kalípay, I’m hungry for pleasures of the body; 2. devoid. Kinabúhing uhaw sa kalípay, A life devoid of happiness; n. thirst; v. 1. be thirsty. Ug akuy uhawun muúgum lang kug kandi, If I feel thirsty, I’ll just put a piece of candy in my mouth; 2. feel a longing, craving. Giuhaw aku sa pagpanggà sa inahan, I thirst for a mother’s love. hiN- v. quench the thirst; n. something to quench the thirst. ka- n. 1. thirst; 1a. craving; 2. emptiness.