a. parallel to, along the lines of, in line with. Ang dálan mitúlin ug usa ka kilumitru ubay sa subà, The path ran for a kilometer along the river. Ang íyang gitambag ubay sa mga lagdà sa maáyung pamatásan, The advice he gives is in accordance with the rules of proper behavior. Ubay sa prugráma sa pagdagínut, In line with the austerity program. Ubay sa panahun ang pagpangarsúnis sa mga babáyi karun, It is in accordance with the times the way women wear pants these days; v. 1. go along the side of, be situated alongside, put something parallel. Daghang táwu ang miubay sa kutsi nga gisakyan sa pamúnù, Many people went along beside the car bearing the president. Nag-úbay kami pagkatúlug, We slept lying down beside each other. Nag-ubay sa baybáyun ang mga payagpáyag, The shacks lined the beach; 2. do something in accordance with something else. Kung iubay nímu sa katárung ang ímung líhuk, If you act according to the rules of right conduct. pa-un(←) v. concur, go along with someone’s decision. Gipaubayúnan níya ang tanang hangyù sa asáwa, He consented to everything his wife wanted to do. ka- n. something parallel with something else.