n. 1. right hand, right side of a pair. Kusgan ang tuu (túu) nákung kamut kay sa wala, My right hand is stronger than my left. — nga kamut a. right hand. b. right-hand man. Siya ang túung kamut sa dátù, He is the right-hand man of the Datu; 2. right side. Likù sa tuu, Turn to the right. wala ug — see wala. pa-(→) v. go to keep to the right side. Ipatuu ang kutsi labinag likuun, Keep to the right, esp. on the curves. tuuhun, tuhuun, tùhun n. 1. right-handed; 2. implement made to be used by a right-handed person. Ayawg gámit sa tuuhun nga sundang ug walhun ka, Don’t use a right-handed bolo if you are left-handed.