v. 1. turn or cut something in a lathe; 2. thread screws or bolts; n. 1. lathe or machine for threading screws and bolts; 2. thread on a screw or bolt. turnuhan see turnu, n1. turníru n. lathe operator.
n. turn to do something Ímu nang turnu paglútù karun, It’s your turn to cook now; v. assign turns to do something Kinsay gaturnu nímu paggwardiya sa Duminggu? Who assigned you to stand guard on Sunday? turnuturnu, turnuhay n. rotation system or by turn. Turnuturnu ang paglimpyu sa simbahan ug átù karun, Cleaning the church is done by turns, and it’s our turn today; v. do by turns. Magturnuturnu (magturnuhay) tag báyad sa sugà, Let’s take turns paying the light bill.