v. 1. aim something at something Ayawg itumung nákù nang pistúla, Don’t point that gun at me. 2. go to the direction of something straight. Tumúnga nang baláya, Go in the direction of that house. Itumung (ipatumung) ang dáru ánang káhuy arun tul-id ímung ági, Aim your furrow at that tree, so it will be straight; 3. direct a statement, joke, etc. Aku bay gitumung sa ímung insultu? Was your insult directed at me? Wà nákù itumung ang insultu nímu, I didn’t aim the insult at you; 4. get something (good or bad) as one’s lot. Nakatumung siyag asáwang bagìbian, He ended up with a nagging wife; n. 1. direction. Way tumung sa átung lákaw run, We are not going any particular place; 2. purpose for which something is done. Unsa may tumung sa íyang pagsukitsukit? What was the purpose of his asking around? 3. straight toward. Miatubang siya tumung sa bandíra, He faced toward the flag.