numeral three. Pirmi giyung magkúyug ang tulu, The three always go together; v. be in or about three in number. Mutulu ka búlan na siyang gasabak, She is about three months pregnant. Natulu ang ákung panan-aw pagkahubug nákù, I had triple vision when I got drunk. Tulua pagrisirba kay ang tsapirun diay, Make three reservations, an extra one for the chaperon. r- three. ika- third. ka-, maka- three times. -in- into three, in three’s. katluan n. thirty. tinulutulu n. kind of rope of three strands, tag-(←), tag-, tagutlu three each; v. do something by three’s.
n. drop. Bisan usa ka túlù nga lúhà, Even one single teardrop; v. 1. leak so as to cause dripping. Sungkípi ang atup kay nagtulù, Fix the roof because it is leaking; 1a. drip, leak through. Ug dúnay malígù sa táas, ang túbig mutúlù námù diri, If someone takes a bath upstairs, water drips down on us. 2. for drops to fall. Hápit makatúlù ákung lúhà sa kahiubus, I almost shed tears in humiliation. (→) a. leaky. Tulù ang atup kay gibagyu, The roof is leaky because it was hit by a storm. pa- v. 1. let drip. Nagpatúlù siya sa íyang lúhà, She shed tears; 2. — sa singut labor hard. Nagpatúlù sa singut ang ímung amahan arun ka makatunghà, Your father is working hard just so you can study. -in- v. drip plentifully; n. 1. drops. Tinúlù sa ulan, Raindrops; 2. shedding of tears, blood, or anything in drops; 3. noise of dripping. Makadisturbu ang tinúlù sa ulan, The noise of the dripping of the rain is disturbing.