v. 1. put a piece of wood s.w. to inhibit motion, either by propping something under it and keeping it from falling or by laying it in the way and stopping it from proceeding. Tuklángun (tuklángan) ang takup sa dúlung arun dílì musira, Prop up the hood so it won’t slam shut. Ituklang nis bintánà arun dílì matúkab, Wedge the window shut with this so it can’t come open; 1a. prop something up. Taas nga káhuy ang ituklang sa hayhayan arun dì masagyad ang hinayhay, Use a long bamboo pole to hold the clothesline to keep the wash from touching the ground; 2. put up the hands to keep someone at arms’ distance, as if bracing oneself. Nanuklang siya kay gipiit siya sa ílang pagbayli, She kept her hand up because her partner danced too close to her. paN- v. brace oneself or keep someone away from one’s body. Kun wà pa siya makapanuklang mahaplà untà siya, Had she not braced herself she would have fallen flat; n. stick used to prevent motion.