v. 1. strangle with the hands. Tuk-un ta kag musinggit ka, I’ll choke you if you scream; 2. choke on something ingested. Makatukà nang tag-as nga bíhun, You can choke on long noodles. Hituk-an ku pag-inum nákù sa wiski, I choked when I drank the whiskey; 2a. get jammed or stuck into something as if choking on it. Papil ang nakatukà (nakapatukà) sa kasilyas, Paper clogged the toilet up. Ug matuk-an ang makina gáhì na tuyúkun, If a sewing machine gets stuck it is hard to turn.
v. peck at to eat. Gustung mutukà ug tibuuk mais ang manuk, Chickens like to peck at whole kernels. Dúna pa bay tukaun ang sunuy? Are there any grains left for the rooster to peck at? n. 1. beak, bill; 2. feed for fowls or birds. kakha — see kakha. pa- v. feed fowls.