n. year(s)
n. year
n. year; v. be almost, last for a year. Mutúig nákung pinaábut nímu, I waited for you for almost a year. Nagtúig ang ámung pagbúngul, It’s been one year now that we haven’t been on speaking terms. Dì na matuígan ang ímung kinabúhì, Your life won’t last for another year. tuigtúig a. every year; yearly; v. be, become yearly, do something on a yearly basis. -in-(→) annual. Tinuig nga tígum, Annual meeting. ka-an n. 1. years. Nanglábay ang daghang katuígan, Many years passed; 2. Easter obligation, the obligation of every Roman Catholic to go to confession and Holy Communion once a year on a definite period specified by the church—that is, in the period between Easter Sunday and November 2, All Souls’ Day. paN-(→) n. 1. first planting season in the calendar year (during June and July); crops planted during this season. Aníhun sa Disyimbri ang humay sa panuig, The first crop of rice is harvested in December; 2. extraordinarily big. Panuig man pud nang librúha, dílì man madaug ug bátà, That sure is a big book. A child couldn’t lift it. paN-un n. age. may — 1. be old enough to do something May panuígun na si Lítang muiskuyla, Lita is old enough now to go to school; 2. be no longer young. May panuígun na siya pagkaminyù, She was well along in years when she got married. paN-un(→) v. be of (such-and-such) an age. Nagpanuigun siyag diyis, He is ten years old.