v. 1. point at, out. Kun mutudlù si Sír nímu sulayi lag tubag, If the teacher calls on you just try to answer. Tudlúa ang sinumbung, Point out the one who did it. 2. point, give directions. Kinsay gatudlù nímung nía ku magpuyù? Who told you that I live here? 3. teach. Nagtudlù siya sa pablik, She is teaching in the public schools; 4. appoint. Ang prisidinti nagtudlù níya pagkahuwis, The president appointed him judge; n. 1. index finger; 2. the fingers in general. hamuy sa — see hamuy; 3. (numeral) ka — (so-and-so) many fingers wide; 4. — sa tiil toes; 5. — dalága, dátù see dalága, dátù. tudlùtudlù n. eatery where the food for sale is put in a case on display. -in- n. appointee. ka-an n. appointment. mag-r- n. teacher.