n. sugar cane. -ng palinà, pula red sugar cane. — lumhan, putì green sugar cane. paN- v. cut sugar cane for milling. Manubu ku sa ílang asyinda, I shall apply as a laborer to cut sugar cane stalks on their hacienda. katubhan n. sugar cane plantation.
n. 1. tube; 2. water pipe; 3. chimney of a lamp. Gianuúsan ang túbu sa lampara, The lamp chimney is covered with soot. hínis sa — see hínis.
v. 1. grow, become larger. Mutaas pa siya kay nagtubù pa, She will grow taller because she is still growing. Dus pulgádas ang ákung gitubúan, I grew two inches taller. Gitubúan na ang sinínà, She has outgrown her dress. Ang gitubúan sa dákit, Where the banyan tree was growing; 2. earn interest. Mutúbù ang kwartang ibangku, Money put in the bank earns interest; 3. develop feelings. Gitubúan kug kasína sa íyang paglampus, I grew envious over his success; 4. for water, dough, land to rise. Hurnúha ang harínang gimása ug mutúbù na, Put the dough in the oven when it rises. Síging magtubù ang dágat ug dì pa makalantung, The sea continues to rise until it reaches its highest point at high tide; n. 1. growth. Kusug ang túbù sa tanum, The plant grows fast; 2. interest on loan. bag-ung — see bag-u. pa- v. lend money with interest. Patubúan diay nímu tung ákung gibaylu? Are you going to charge interest on the money I borrowed? n. 1. leavening agent; 2. wall stud of bamboo. pina- n. grown, raised. Sankis nga pinatúbù sa Kalipurníya, California-grown sunkist. -in-an, -in-an(→) n. outgrown outfit. tubùtúbù n. growth on the skin. Mu rag áwum nang íyang tubùtúbù piru nagkadakù, Your growth looks like a mole, but it is getting bigger. halinub-un a. having a tendency to grow fast even with no care. Halinub-un ning sagbúta, pirmi lang hagbásan, This kind of grass grows fast. It has to be trimmed frequently.
n. kind of edible white mushroom that grows on decaying trees. It has a tougher stipe and pileus than the úhung.