coconut drink
n. kind of croton plant: Croton tiglium. — nga bákud see tubatuba. tubatuba n. kind of shrub, the leaves of which are used as a poultice and the seeds of which produce oil for soap: Jatropha curcas. tubatubang murádu n. kind of tubatuba with reddish leaves: Jatropha gossypifolia.
n. fermented and processed toddy from coconut palms; v. 1. give water for toddy. Ang buluk dílì mutubà pag-áyu sa ting-init, The flower bud doesn’t produce much water during the hot season; 2. get toddy all over it. Natubaan ang ákung púlu, My shirt got toddy all over it. 3. be the one who has to treat others to toddy. Hingtubaan ku kay napildi ku sa pustahánay, I had to pay for a round of toddy because I lost the betting. paN- v. go out to get toddy; n. something for buying toddy. Gái kug diyis, panubà ba, Let me have ten centavos to buy a glass of toddy. ka-(←) v. get toddy all over it. -an n. stand which sells toddy. hiN-, hiN-(←) a. fond of toddy. -un a. for a cock to be colored like red palm toddy.
v. cut down a banana stalk for the fruit. Tub-a na nang saginga kay gúwang na, Cut down that banana because the fruits are mature.