v. 1. produce a sound. Ayúha nang tiklang dì mutíngug, Fix the piano keys that don’t sound; 2. speak, speak up. Unsa pay tinggan nákù nga dì ka man mamínaw? What should I talk for, since you won’t listen? Tíngug sa míting ug dúna kay ikatíngug, Speak up in the meeting if you have something to say; 3. be on speaking terms. Walà mi magtíngug (magtingganay), We aren’t on speaking terms; n. 1. sound, voice; 2. one’s say or word in the proceedings of. Ang ákung tíngug mauy matúman, They will do whatever I say. pa- v. turn on radio, TV, make something sound. Patingúga (ipatíngug) ang radiyu, Turn the radio on. tingganay see tíngug, v3. paN- n. the way the voice sounds, the manner of speaking. Subù ang paníngug sa namatyan, The bereaved person spoke in a sad tone of voice.