n. cloth, textile. — mitalika wire screen of fine mesh; v. screen something with screening wire.
v. 1. lick something (normally not the lips). Hápit mutílà sa ímung tiil kanang nanguyab nímu, Your suitor nearly licks your foot. Gitiláan sa irù ang íyang núka, The dog licked his sores; 2. get something out of someone or something Daghan kag amígu kun dúna pa silay matílà nímu, You’ll have lots of friends if there is something they can get out of you; 3. obtain, get something out of something Wà tay matílà dinhi? Isn’t there anything to get out of this place? 4. — ug háp v. for a certain quantity to be consumed entirely. Gitiláag háp ang ákung swildu tungud sa daghang bayranan, The bills completely ate up my salary.