n. detective
n. fifth-column
n. spy
v. spy on, discover by snooping. Akuy maniktik (mutiktik) sa kalihúkan sa átung kuntra, I’ll spy on our enemies’ activities. Natiktikan siyang may laláki, She was discovered with a paramour; n. detective. paN- n. detective work.
n. 1. portion of the corn grain that comes out powdery when the corn is ground into grits; 1a. by extension, the similar by-product of rice; 2. dirt under the foreskin of the penis; v. become dirt under the foreskin. Makatiktik nang way kalígù, If you don’t bathe you get dirt under your foreskin. — ug it’s impossible that (so-and-so) could happen (coarse). Tiktik pug magbag-u siya, I doubt that he’ll ever reform. -un(→) a. 1. having dirt under the foreskin of the penis; 2. uncircumcised.
v. 1. tap lightly on a hard surface, producing a sound of tick-tick. Tiktíka (itiktik) ang linung-ag nga itlug sa lamisa, Tap the hard-boiled egg gently on the table; 2. chip off rust. Tayaun na gánì ang barku tiktikan dáyun sa mga tripulanti, When the sides of the ship become rusty, the crewmen chip off the rust. paN-an sa bakì n. out-of-the-way, hardly accessible place (place where the frogs go tick-tick). Túa ku magmaistra sa paniktikag bakì, I’m teaching in the backwoods.
n. 1. call for chickens to come near in feeding them; 2. call of the mother hen for her chicks; v. call newly hatched or small chicks.