n. a small anchovy of shallow waters, 4–5″, darkish brown in color on the dorsal part of the body and silvery sides: Thrissocles spp. and Scutengraulis spp. tigihun see tigi.
v. 1. pit persons against each other to determine who is the best in something Ang prinsísay mutígì sa buut mangasáwa níya, The princess will have the people that want to marry her vie with each other. Magtígì (magtigiay) ta kun kinsay taas ug utung, Let’s have a contest to see who can hold his breath longest. Palaínum sad tung gikatígì nákug ínum, The one I had a drinking bout with was also a drunkard; 2. diagnose an illness by a marble placed at the edge of a glass. A yes-no question is put by the sorcerer, and if the marble falls, the answer is ‘no’. Tigíun nátù ang sakit, We will divine the sickness; n. contest between two people or teams. -ay(→) v. vie with one another; n. contest. panag- n. a vying with one another. Ang kulilísi panagtígì sa mga birsu, The kulilísi is a contest in making verses.