n. fun
n. joke
n. kidding
n. tease
n. kind of goatfish.
v. tease, play a joke on. Ayawg túu kay gitiáwan ka lang níya, Don’t believe him. He’s just teasing you; 1a. for supernatural beings to cast a spell on someone Gimínù siya kay gitiáwan sa ingkantu; He couldn’t find his way because a spirit cast a spell on him; n. 1. joke, prank. dílì — no small thing. Dì tíaw nga búhat, No small job. Dì tíaw ang ákung kakurat, I was really frightened; 2. — (ba)y, nga; — mu (ba)y, nga just imagine! Tíaw bay limay íyang kabit, Just imagine, he has five mistresses. Tíaw mu nang diyut mi mabuku, Imagine, we were almost exposed; 2a. — mu ugud nga, y can you beat that, (so-and-so) happened despite everything. Tíaw mu guy nakapasar ug bár, Imagine, he passed the bar despite everything; 2b. — mu kanà I warned you, now see what happened. Tíaw mu nà ug mipatúu ka pa, I told you so. If you had only listened. (→) v. 1. be punished by the soul of a departed relative for engaging in merry-making activities too soon after the person’s death. The victim usually behaves odd but only temporarily; 2. cause to grow gray hairs early. Makatiaw kunu nang magkanta sa abúhan samtang naglung-ag, You will get grey hair before your time if you sing while standing before the stove and cooking. tiawtíaw v. 1. be joking; 2. toy with an opponent in a contest. Gitiawtiáwan lang sa kampiyun ang tsalindyir, The champion just toyed with the challenger. -l-an n. one who is the usual object of ridicule. Ang bungì gibúhat lang tiliáwan sa iskuylahan, The harelip was made the butt of ridicule in school; v. be, become the object of ridicule. -an(→), pala-, ma-un a. fond of making jokes.