n. rust
n. stake
v. 1. place a bet. Adtu ku tayà sa hárì, I’ll bet on heads. Ayawg itayà ang tibuuk puhúnan, Don’t stake all the money you have; 2. stake one’s life, honor. Nagtayà ang sundálu sa íyang kinabúhì álang sa násud, The soldier puts his life on the line for his country. Ákung itayà ákung dungug paglában sa sinumbung, I’ll stake my name to defend the accused; 3. pay for the others in a treat (slang). Akuy magtayà sa átung inúmun, I’ll pay for the drinks; n. 1. bet; 2. treat, turn to pay (slang).
n. rust. way — ang bulsa be broke (slang). Wà giyud bisag tayà ákung bursa, My pocket doesn’t have a thing (lit. not even rust (from money)); v. 1. become rusty. Tay-an ang gamitung dì lanahan, Tools get rusty if you don’t oil them; 2. be rusty from lack of practice. Natay-an na ku sa pagtukar kay dúgay na kung wà kahikap, I’ve gotten rusty because I haven’t picked my instrument up in ages. -un a. rusty.