a. 1. orderly, well-arranged. Tawhay ang mga butang sa lamísa, The things on the table are well-arranged; 2. relaxed, with the mind free from trouble or worries; 2a. face looking fresh and relaxed, free from worry or pain; 3. work that is light and easy to do. Tawhay kaáyu ang trabáhu kay íhap lang, The work is very light because it’s just counting things; v. 1. be, become orderly, well-arranged; 2. be peaceful and free from trouble or worries. Mitawhay ang íyang buut pagkatápus sa mga bátà sa ílang kursu, He felt relaxed and relieved after his children had finished their courses. Tawháya (itawhay) ang mga trabahadur, Calm the laborers down; 2a. for the face to look fresh and relaxed. Mitawhay (natawhay) ang náwung sa bag-ung nanganak, The face of the woman that had just delivered her baby looked relieved and relaxed; 3. become light. Mutawhay ang trabáhu ug hingpit ta sa kasangkápan, The work becomes easy if one has all the tools one needs.