v. 1. smoke fish. Makatapa kug isdà ug náay ginabas ipaasu, I can smoke fish if there is some sawdust to smoke it with; 1a. broil fish not close to the embers. Bagul itapa sa isdà, Use coconut shells for broiling the fish; 2. kiln-dry copra. Magtapa mi sa kupras kay way ínit, We’ll kiln-dry the copra because there is no sun; n. smoked fish. tapahan n. 1. copra kiln-drier; 2. grate for broiling. -in- n. see tapa, n. see also tap-an.
v. make jerked meat. Magtápa kug unud sa kábaw, I’ll jerk some carabao meat. -in- n. 1. jerked meat; 2. canned fish in small, thin tin cans.