a. 1. tame. Tanud ang íyang langgam maung binuhían, His pet bird is tame so it is not caged; 2. for things which are normally elusive to approach, be submissive. Tanud nímu ang kapaláran, Good fortune does not elude you; v. become tame, submissive. Kining lumáya makapatanud (makatanud) sa mga babáyi nímu, This potion can make girls submissive to you.
n. sewing thread; v. thread a needle or sewing machine. Tanuri ang makina, Thread the sewing machine.
v. 1. keep watch over something that needs care. Nagpulipúli mig tánud sa masakitun, We took turns keeping watch over the patient; 2. stay, live with someone Way makatánud nímu tungud sa kalas-ut sa ímung kinaíya, Nobody can live with you because you are so wicked; n. someone who keeps watch over something which needs care.