v. 1. dump, throw a large quantity of something in a heap s.w. Dì ka makatam-ak ug sagbut sa agiánan, You can’t dump the rubbish in the street; 2. fill up a hole in the ground. Íyang gitam-ákan ang atábay ug mga sagbut, He filled the well with trash; 3. heap work, blame, abuse on someone Akuy natam-akan sa tanang kasábà, All the abuse was heaped on me.
v. 1. wind up s.w. one would not expect to be. Ngánung mitam-ak ka ning dapíta? How come you wound up in this place? Sa panahun sa kampanya gitam-ak (gitam-ákan) níla ang kinahilitang baryu, During the campaign they penetrated to the remotest villages; 2. come across by chance. Nakatam-ak siyag bahandì pagkálut níyag lubung, He discovered a treasure while digging a grave. Hitam-akan námù ang duut sa isdà, We came across a school of fish.