n. 1. peg, stake. Gilibutan níyag taluktuk ang bag-ung turuk nga lísu, He put stakes all around the bed of the newly sprouted seedlings; 2. bar for gathering sweet potatoes; 3. in dugout boats, reinforcing studs stuck into the sides to which additional planking is nailed to make the hull higher; 4. top of a hill, cliff; v. 1. enclose stakes; 2. make a peg or stake; 3. attach studs into the sides of a dugout; 4. be, become steep. Ug mutaluktuk ang dálan, dílì na makaági ang dyíp, If the road gets too steep, the jeep won’t go any further; a. steep. Taluktuk nga pangpang, A steep cliff. -an n. summit.