v. 1. attach something to something else, put it right next to something so that it touches. Nagtákud ang duha ka daplin sa lamísa, The two edges of the table are touching each other. Takúra ang duha ka daplin sa panaptung himúung hábul, Attach the two pieces of cloth at the ends to make them into a blanket. Itakud ang kwadru sa bungbung, Attach the picture to the wall; 2. harness an animal, hitch it for work. Ayaw takdi nang bakáha ug balsa kay gamay pa nà, Don’t harness the cow to a sled because it is still too small; 3. infect with disease. Makatakud nang hanggà, Chicken pox is contagious. Hitakdan kag mudúul sa tibíhun, You’ll get infected if you go near a tubercular person; 3a. contaminate each other. Nag-úsa lang mug unlan magtákud giyud nang inyung mga kútu, You’re both lying on the same pillow, so you’ll get each other’s lice; 3b. arouse or spread to someone else as if a contagious disease. Nahimuut siyang namínaw sa makatakud nga katáwa ni Rúsi, He was amused listening to Rosie’s contagious laughter; 3c. influence so as to become like one. Natakdan ku sa kahinúun níya, I was influenced by his diligence in study. pa- v. pass a supernatural attribute on to another person upon death. Úngù na siya kay gipatakdan sa tigúlang úngù, He is a vampire now because the old man passed his supernatural power on to him. takdanan n. an animal trained to take the harness. maN-r-(←), matakdánun a. contagious, tending to spread from person to person.
v. manage to do something that requires strength or money. Dì na siya makatákud ug alsa ug bug-at, She can’t manage to lift heavy things. Makatákud kahà kag patunghà sa ímung anak? Can you manage to send your child to school?