v. 1. fasten something to something with a knotted cord. Palíhug rag takgus sa ríbun sa ákung buhuk, Please tie my hair up for me with a ribbon. Takgúsun na silang duha sa talikálà sa kaminyúun, They are going to be bound together in wedlock. Ang salug nga kawáyan takgúsan ug uway ngadtu sa busaug, The bamboo flooring is tied to the joists with rattan; 2. tie into a loop that easily gets undone. Takgúsa ang listǔn sa ákung sapátus, Tie my shoelace; 3. tie something around something Nagtakgus siyag sundang sa háwak, He strapped a bolo around his waist. Itakgus ang tarì sa tiil sa hiniktan, Tie the gaff around the cock’s leg; n. something that is fastened to something else by entwining or the like. -in-an(→) n. the knotted part of something tied. Tan-áwa nga dílì mailhan ang tinakgusan, See to it that the knotted part does not show.