suppletive form for hátag used optionally for suffixed forms. Tagáan (hatágan) ta ka ug dulsi, I will give you candy. Pagbinuutan kay básig hitagaan kag gása, Be good because you might get a present. -l-an(→), -anan n. 1. something one is obliged to give; 2. person to whom given. -in-an n. one to whom something is given. -in-an(→) n. manner of giving. ka-un a. on the verge of giving. ma-in-un a. generous, liking to give. -l-un, -unun(→) see tagaanan, 1.
n. fishhook; v. caught, snagged on a fishhook. Hitag-an na bayà apan nakabuhì, It was already caught on the hook, but it broke free. paN- v. catch with a hook and line.
v. cut down trees. Siyay nagtaga sa ímung tanum, He cut your plant down. Tagaa ang punúan sa ságing, Cut the trunk of the banana tree down; n. action of felling trees. maN-r-(←) n. woodcutter.
prefix added to words that refer to a place to form nouns which mean: 1. one who is from (such-and-such) a place. Tagamanílà diay ka, So, you are from Manila. Tagaámù, One who is from my hometown; 2. one who is associated with a certain group. Tagakustum, People in the Customs. Tagakíim, One of the members of the K.M.’s (Kabatáang Makabáyan, Patriotic Youth).
prefix added to words referring to parts of the body to form words meaning ‘up to (so-and-so)’. Tagaliug ku sa útang, I’m up to my neck in debts.