v. 1. guess. Akuy tag-an sa sulud sa bangà, I’ll guess what’s inside the jar. Hitag-anan nákung ikaw tung nagmaskara, I guessed right that you were the one wearing a mask; 2. foretell. Tag-ánun níya ang ímung kapaláran, He will tell your fortune; n. 1. guess; 2. fortune told. tag-antag-an n. 1. any kind of guessing game; 2. guesswork; v. 1. play a guessing game; 2. conjecture, guess. Wà ku makasigúru sa íyang panuígun. Átù lang tag-antag-ánun, I can’t be sure of her age. Let’s just guess it. hiN- a. good guesser. maN-r- n. fortune-teller.