v. swing, spin around; cause something to do so. Mitabuylug ang bátà sa písì, The child hung to a rope and swung around. Nagtabuylug ang tyubíbu, The merry-go-round is spinning around.
v. go together. Magtabuylug ta ngadtu sa sini, Let us go to the show together. Gitabuylug níya paghigut ang mga bábuy, He tied the pigs together on one peg; n. constant companion. Íyang anak ang ákung tabuylug, His son is my constant companion. -in- v. walk together in groups; walk side by side together. Dílì kita makatinabuylug sa pagpanglákaw niíning pit-us nga dálan, We can not walk abreast on this narrow path.