v. 1. cover something to protect or conceal it. Tabúni ang kan-un arun dílì langawun, Cover the food so it won’t get flies on it. 2. cover up for someone’s mistakes. Nagdasà siya kay mutábun ang ginikánan sa íyang binúang, He is abusive because his parents cover up for his foolishness; 3. drown out a sound. Hápit tabúni ang íyang tíngug sa makusug nga áwit, Her voice was almost drowned out by the loud song; n. — sa láyag Passion Sunday, the second Sunday before Easter when it was the custom to cover the tabernacle and statue with a piece of purple cloth. (→) n. cover. Hápit walay tabun ang íyang dughan, Her breast was almost uncovered. tabuntábun see tábun, v2. tabuntábun, tabuntabun n. eyelid.
n. see tulábung.