v. 1. tease, ridicule a person for a defect. Suráhi (suráha) siya nga pisut, Tease him for being uncircumcised; 2. bother, annoy. Ngánung inyung gisúra ang bátà nga natúlug? Why did you bother the child? She was sleeping so nicely; 3. ask a person to buy one something Musúra na pud ning ákung bátà ug sapátus kay gradwisyun na, My son will ask me to buy him a pair of shoes because it will be graduation. masuráhun a. teasing.
v. dance with the hands, feet, and body. Pwirting nakasúra sa bátà arun hatágan siyag singku, How the child danced to earn a nickle.