v. 1. arrest the motion of dice or coins that have been thrown. Ákung supláhun (suplahun) ang dayis ug dílì maáyung pagkalábay, I will arrest the dice if they are not thrown properly; 2. interrupt someone’s speech, usually with a question. Makasupla ba ta sa nagsulti? May I put a question to the speaker? 3. check vice, bad manners. Ángay nga supláhun nang tarása nga laksut, That bad trait should be put to a halt; n. violation of the rules in certain games. Sa dáma ubligádu ka pagkáun sa ákung batu. Ug dì ka mukáun, supla ka, In checkers you are obliged to take my piece. If you do not, you violate the rules. supládu a. 1. curt, laconic to the point of rudeness. Supládu kaáyu siya ug sinultihan, He is very curt in speech; 2. characteristically bent on going against advice, orders, or instructions. Dì masápì ang supládu sa siminaryu, A disobedient person doesn’t fit in the seminary; v. 1. be rudely laconic; 2. become characteristically inclined to disobey. supláda see supládu (female).