v. 1 follow, go behind someone Sunda tung awtúha! Follow that car! 1a. do something later as the next thing. Pamáhaw na mu kay musunud ra ku, Eat your breakfast now because I’ll eat next. Silhígi ang salug kay akuy musunud ug lampásu, Sweep the floor because I will follow it up with scrubbing. Isunud ni pagmakinilya, Type this the next thing; 1b. do something right after having done something else; 2. follow, imitate. Dílì siya musunud sa bag-ung múda, She doesn’t imitate the new styles. Ayaw ug sunda nang batasána, Don’t imitate that sort of manners. Ayawg sunda ímung maguwang nga balirúsu, Don’t be headstrong like your elder brother; 3. inherit. Siyay musunud (manunud) sa ákung kabtángan, He will inherit my property; 3a. succeed in office. Ang bísi mauy musunud ingkásug mamatay ang prisidinti, The vice-president succeeds in office if the president dies. — ug kasal sponsor a wedding. Gubirnadur ang nagsunud sa ámung kasal, A governor sponsored our wedding; n. 1. the next, the one following. Sunud simána, Next week. Sunud ugmà, The day after tomorrow; 1a. the next thing done. Sunud ilúnud ang balátung human sa karni, After the meat, put the beans in next; 2. following, according to the. Sunud sa naandan nga batásan, Following the usual custom; 3. next. Sunud simána, Next week. Sunud gulà, Next issue. Siya ang sunud nga prisidinti, He will be the next president. (←) v. be close to each other in a series, line or succession. Sunúra ang mga misitíra nga púlus pula, Put the red pots next to each other in line. sunudsunud v. do something one after another, following each other in rapid succession. Musunudsunud ug pangaláyà ang dáhun sa tinghulaw, The leaves withered one after another during the drought. sunudsúnud v. keep following, tagging along after. Kining irua musunudsúnud bisan ása ku mulakaw, This dog keeps following me around wherever I go. pa- v. set an example. Ikaw kay magulang, ikay mupasunud sa ímung mga manghud, You are the elder brother, so you should set an example for your younger brothers and sisters to follow; n. in consecutive order. Hinganlan nákù pasunud ang ngálan sa mga táwu sa laráwan gíkan sa wala ngadtu sa túu, I will name the people in the picture in order from left to right. pa-(←) see pa-, n. sundánun a. tending to have offspring closely spaced. masunúrun, masundánun, masinundánun a. obedient. maN-r-(←) n. heir. -um-r- n. the following, as enumerated. -um-r-(←) 1. see maN-r-; 2. followers of a certain leader, belief, or religion. sulundun a. exemplary, worth imitating. panulundun n. something which is inherited. Pagtúung panulundun sa katigulángan, A belief inherited from one’s ancestors. Panulundun sa ílang pamilyang pagkaunglù, The curse of needing to suck human blood is passed down from generation to generation in their family. salang panulundun 1. original sin; 2. act of coitus (euphemism).