v. 1. see, look at. Musulung ku sa ímung baligyà, Let me take a look at the things you are selling; 2. show something Isulung (ipasulung) nákù ninyu ang ákung bag, I will show you my bag. pa- v. show. Íya kung pasulúngun sa íyang bag-ung sapátus, She’ll let me see her new shoes.
v. 1. set against, attack. Sulúngun nátù ang Hapun rung gabíi, We will attack the Japs tonight; 2. go s.w. to look for trouble. Ug sulúngun (sulngun) ka níya sa iskuylahan, itug-an siya sa maistru, If he goes to school to pick a fight with you, report him to the teacher; 3. go s.w. to do something Musúlung (manúlung) ta ug baskit sa Talísay, We will go to Talisay to play basketball; n. attack. Ang súlung idungan sa bumbardíyu, The attack will be synchronized with the bombardment. dasmag — n. rush attack or assault. maN-r-(→) n. attacker, invader.
v. stare directly at something dazzling. Mu ra kag mahálap ug musúlung kas adlaw, You get blinded if you stare directly into the sun. sulnganay, sinulnganay v. communicate by looking at each other without exchanging words (literary). Nagsinulnganay (nagsulnganay) si Hisukristu ug ang Íyang Mahal nga Inahan kay dílì matúkib sa púlung ang ílang gibátì, Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother looked at each other with emotions words could not express.